Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day

We had lots of fun on St. Patty's since the kids were home for spring break. The morning started off of course with green eggs and ham. The afternoon included some games at Grandma's with mint milkshakes and pretzel bites. Then for dinner we had bread bowls and creamy soup with Green Jello, Green Lemonade and Green Pistachio Cupcakes. The kids were very into Pinching anyone in a close radius that was not wearing green. I had to control them on a quick walmart run so random strangers didn't receive pinches. And, it was voted on by Hailey that if you only wear green underwear you may get pinched anyway. We had a fun day! It is fun to be starting holiday traditions. I love how special holidays and birthdays are for the kiddos! Easter is right around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. Top O' the Mornin' to ya! Love all of your updates Ames. It makes me feel up-to-date with the happenings in the land of milk and honey. The girls especially loved the pics of Jenny in her dance class. So fun. Sure love you and your sweet family.
