Monday, January 24, 2011

A new Year and a new Start!

A new year and a new start. How refreshing! There are lots of things on my to do list this year some of them include:

  1. Play a little everyday

  2. Serve a little everyday (not too hard with four kiddos)but I want to reach out more to my friends and neighbors!

  3. Start Blog (that was not as hard as I thought :)

  4. Do some fun crafty projects

  5. Catch up on some organizing

  6. Cook up some awesome dinners

  7. Read some good books

  8. Compete in some fun runs and triathlons

  9. Go on more dates with my best friend :)

  10. Wash, dry, fold and put away the laundry all in one day, at least once this year! (By far the most challenging resolution!)

Cheers to an Amazing 2011-I think it will be a great year! Stay tuned for more!